Friday, March 13, 2009

So Here we go!

I suppose the best way to start this out is to explain to everyone who may happen accross this blog a little bit about myself and my goal here.

I am starting over in life, having lost a wonderful husband to divorce (it is much too painful to talk about). My ex and I have a 18 month old daughter together, and I am with another man, who is very kind and caring, and we are about two months pregnant. Recent circumstances have caused us to both lose our jobs (we were working together) and he just began a new job about a week ago and I will begin a new temporary job on the 27th of this month. We are currently living on my ex's land to save up money. Don't ask me to explain, most people would never be able to understand, suffice it to say he is a wonderful, caring person, and we both still care deeply for each other, just not in the same way we once did.

My short term goal is to create a budget for my fiance and I, which is obviously a challenge considering I don't even know yet how much his checks will be. My longer term goal is to pay off enough of our debts (in the form of car payments) to be able to afford rent by the time the baby gets here. My ultimate long term goal is to save up a down payment for our own home which we can put on the land he got as an inheiritance.

My purpose for blogging about my situation, goals, and progress, is to inspire others who see their situation as dismal. I'm trying to count my blessings and make the best out of a fairly bad situation. I hope I can help others to do the same. I am also doing this to keep myself motivated. I am a tired pregnant woman, and as such I need a tool to keep myself on target.

Tonight I am going to sit down and crunch numbers as well as I can with the current information I have and tomorrow I will begin posting numbers on my goals and how I plan to reach them.

I will also be looking for good sources of information to help me in my journey and posting them when I find something that helps, so that if there is anyone who is going through any similar situations, they may find it useful as well.

If you do happen accross this blog and have any engouraging words to leave me, I would greatly appreciate you doing so. If you would like to bookmark me and follow me in this journey, I would be happy for you to do that as well! Tell me about your situation in a comment and I will be sure to pray for you, and would love to know that there are others praying for me and my family!


  1. Hello :)

    I'm not in a situation like yours, but I have some family "skeletons in the closet" if you will as well (not with hubs, but other family members), and so when you ask for no explanation requested of your situation, I understand completely what you are saying. There are many great financial resources via blog that you have at your fingertips when it comes to budgeting and saving money! I just did a blog post about budgeting and how hubs and I created ours. (go check it out! just click my username and you will be directed there), I hope it can be of help to you!

    Good luck with your situation, and if you ever need an ear to bend or someone to bounce ideas off of, my email addy is listed on my blog and I would love to talk with you!

    God Bless!!


  2. We're praying for you!!
