Friday, March 27, 2009

Saving by staying in

This past week I have not spent a cent. You can't save much more than that! I haven't left the house and therefore haven't had a chance to spend any money. This break from going places was brought on by injuries and fears from the wreck I had two weeks ago, but it certainly has it's perks for my very limited budget! I didn't really realize how much I normally go out until now!

I've always focused my energy on finding cheap or free activities (going to the lake or the park or just window shopping). It seems ridiculously obvious now, but I never really thought about setting a certain amount of time to not leave the house. I have tried in the past, when we were strapped for gas money, to curtail my outings, but usually I wouldn't be very successful in this task. In the future I hope to make a goal for myself to help me see the perks and keep myself motivated.

Some of the activities I have enjoyed in the past couple weeks were spending extra time with my daughter (you can never have too much time with an 18 month old... she's growing up too fast!!!) cleaning parts of the house that have been neglected, thoroughly going through and organizing my daughter's clothes and toys, weeding out the items she has outgrown, and really utilizing my Netflix instant queue.

Of course I believe this break from the outside world could have been much more enjoyable had it been planned... but I try to roll with the punches and recognize the blessings wherever I can.

However, I have decided to make my goal for tomorrow to end the hibernation. My family is concerned that if I don't leave the house soon, I may never leave the house again, so I will attempt to go to Kmart to catch the end of Super Doubles and use up some really good coupons which are about to expire. So tonight I will try to get everything organized for that trip. I have to say I think I need some fresh air!

Pray for me if you will, because I am extremely scared to get back into a moving vehicle! It's time to face this fear, but pray for me that all will go well!


  1. I said a little prayer for you tonight. =) I was hit by a school bus that ran a 3 way stop about 2 1/2 years ago. Fortunately, I walked away with only a small bruise, but I was definitely shaken. Enjoy Kmart -- I got some really great deals earlier this week and they had a lot of their men's winter items on clearance for 70% off of items that were already marked half off!

  2. Another prayer lifted up for you...I, too, have been hit (head-on) and recovered. Be brave and remember the Lord is with you.
