Thursday, March 26, 2009

Finally ready to post again!

So, it's been a while, quite a bit longer than I had at first anticipated for me to get back to posting. But, I've had a lot of time to think about how to save money, so maybe some good will come from this after all!

My most recent money saving endeavor has been accidental but quite effective, nonetheless! Since the wreck I haven't left the house except to go back to the hospital. I'm slightly stressed about the idea of getting back into a car, to be quite honest! I'm sure I would be handling this stress better, were it not for the pregnancy hormones running through me at the moment, but there's also the issue of me not having a car! My fiance has a truck, but we always took my car on recreational outings because it's fuel efficiency was more than double that of his truck. At first I saw my fear of leaving the house as a purely bad thing, but the more I look at it, the more i see it as a blessing, because right now, we can't afford ANYTHING but the bare essentials. It's going to take about two more months of my fiance's paychecks for us to catch up on money we owe people. So for now, I am embracing my need to stay at home.

I have worked out a temporary budget for the next two months which will get the bills payed down. Another hidden blessing in this whole mess is that between the at fault party's insurance and my gap insurance, my car will be paid off, and I have decided not to buy a new one anytime soon. I think I will go for a cheaper used car that my fiance and I can buy outright with cash once we do feel a need for another car. In the meantime, not having a car payment or full coverage insurance for me will cut out about $400/ month which is going to be a huge help! I would still rather have my car back and not have been in a wreck, but you take what you can get!!!!

So right now at my house we are studying up on skrimping and saving every penny we can and counting our blessings even when they aren't all that easy to see at first glance. And we are going to become a stronger family for it!!

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